Jeremy & Shawna

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Jeremy and Shawna are on home assignment from September 2023 to August 2024. The Quattlebaums will spend time launching their two daughters, Tatiana (19) and Kira (17), into adulthood and schooling. Journeying across the U.S., they will reconnect with family, friends, and supporters. They will also spend time evaluating their next ministry assignment with Cadence.


Jeremy grew up in the church and attended a Christian school from first through twelfth grade; however, he did not begin a relationship with Jesus until his senior year. Shawna was also raised in a Christian home and came to know Jesus at an early age. Jeremy and Shawna started dating in high school and were married in June 2001. After several years of working in the restaurant industry, God called them into full-time ministry with Cadence in 2013. The Quattlebaums have spent the last seven years working as the House Directors of the Lighthouse in Yokosuka, Japan.


The Quattlebaums have two daughters, Tatiana and Kira. Tatiana will attend esthetician school, and Kira will attend college after graduating high school.

Jeremy & Shawna Quattlebaum
Cadence ID: 10804
Home Assignment
Adult Ministry
Phone: 720.401.5172
3380 W 114th Circle
Unit B
Westminster, CO 80031
United States

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